Bild Titel Größe in mm Stiche Farben
Blume 62x63 2476
Large Miyakowasure 92x95 8790 27,509,27,517,810,612,202
Small Miyakowasure 48x48 2832 509,27,517,810,612,202
Large Sunflower 95x92 9381 509,513,509,515,205,208,339,58
Small Sunflower 44x47 3428 513,509,515,205,208,339,58
Large Cattleya 95x86 12024 513,515,85,86,79,124,107,86,79,124,107,205
Small Cattleya 47x46 3401 513,515,85,86,79,124,205,107
Blumen 95x96 8012 513,808,515,126,205,502,513,126,205,502,513,1
Blumen 45x47 2045 513,126,205,502,513,515,1
Large Narcissus 94x96 9300 509,27,513,1,17,206,209
Small Narcissus 44x46 2917 509,27,513,1,17,206,209
Large Lily 97x96 9355 513,509,507,509,1,10,27,208
Small Lily 43x48 2042 513,509,507,1,10,27,208
Large Rose 96x96 8056 542,534,27,79,807,86
Small Rose 45x41 3167 542,534,79,807,86
Large Tulip 95x93 7919 808,513,515,507,808,807,85
Small Tulip 25x45 799 513,515,808,807,85
Large Lily of the Valley 94x95 9813 515,513,515,27,1,17,27
Small Lily of the Valley 46x48 2534 513,515,513,1,17,27
Large Chrysanthemum 98x98 16013 509,515,502,27,1,30,79
Small Chrysanthemum 45x35 2961 509,515,502,30,79
Large Cosmos 95x98 9651 515,519,515,1,810,86,515,206
Small Cosmos 35x44 1407 810,515,519,1,810,206
Large Gentian 98x98 9507 513,515,808,515,804,614,607,1,513,515
Small Gentian 45x47 2449 804,614,607,1,808,513,515
Blumenkorb 126x126 2291 612,810
Kleeblätter 68x60 4013 507,513,515
Sonne 85x95 8468
Bäume und Schneeflocken 93x74 2254
Fischer 93x87 8540 1,17,405,339,307,205,534,7,800,17,7,19,534,519,707
Sonne 84x74 4687