Bild Titel Größe in mm Stiche Farben
Marienkäfer 98x62 7243
Engel 77x90 8510 124,1,5,333,337,707,214
Football 29x36 1635
Elfen 86x95 12602 19,406,209,800,205,209,515,406,1,307,800,58,205,209
Zuckerstangen 47x56 3362 1,800,507,209,800,900
Engel 66x63 4622 1,328,205,124,70,214,507,86
Blume 62x63 2476
Herz 96x89 7670 507,5,214,800
Large Miyakowasure 92x95 8790 27,509,27,517,810,612,202
Small Miyakowasure 48x48 2832 509,27,517,810,612,202
Large Sunflower 95x92 9381 509,513,509,515,205,208,339,58
Small Sunflower 44x47 3428 513,509,515,205,208,339,58
Large Cattleya 95x86 12024 513,515,85,86,79,124,107,86,79,124,107,205
Small Cattleya 47x46 3401 513,515,85,86,79,124,205,107
Blumen 95x96 8012 513,808,515,126,205,502,513,126,205,502,513,1
Blumen 45x47 2045 513,126,205,502,513,515,1
Large Narcissus 94x96 9300 509,27,513,1,17,206,209
Small Narcissus 44x46 2917 509,27,513,1,17,206,209
Large Lily 97x96 9355 513,509,507,509,1,10,27,208
Small Lily 43x48 2042 513,509,507,1,10,27,208
Large Rose 96x96 8056 542,534,27,79,807,86
Small Rose 45x41 3167 542,534,79,807,86
Large Tulip 95x93 7919 808,513,515,507,808,807,85
Small Tulip 25x45 799 513,515,808,807,85
Large Lily of the Valley 94x95 9813 515,513,515,27,1,17,27
Small Lily of the Valley 46x48 2534 513,515,513,1,17,27
Large Chrysanthemum 98x98 16013 509,515,502,27,1,30,79
Small Chrysanthemum 45x35 2961 509,515,502,30,79
Large Cosmos 95x98 9651 515,519,515,1,810,86,515,206
Small Cosmos 35x44 1407 810,515,519,1,810,206
Large Gentian 98x98 9507 513,515,808,515,804,614,607,1,513,515
Small Gentian 45x47 2449 804,614,607,1,808,513,515
Tux 81x96 11647
Osterhase 66x93 9229 10,339,70,27,86,85,1,620,17,58
Traktor 84x87 12047 205,10,1,5,704,707,214,513,515,707,900
Blumenkorb 126x126 2291 612,810
Herzkranz 87x87 1949 534,807
Haus 92x88 11831 19,79,27,339,534,27,800,323,10
Feuerwerk 64x67 1241 405,807,205
Villa 120x134 29555 17,1,534,513,323,86,515,27,79
Schneemänner 80x176 19871 1,30,405,707,209,58,800,507,205,900,1,405,800,507,707,209,707,900,1,214,323,707,58,800,507,209,900
Muster 99x164 12034 515,405,19,704,7
Schubkarren mit Blumen 100x136 8789 323,502,515,79,85,208
Kleeblätter 68x60 4013 507,513,515
Teddybär 38x40 2881 7,405,307,323,58,800,707
Truthahn 74x78 14750 205,900,707,1,707,5,70,30,900
Katze 86x81 7665 10,307,704,707,900,5
Kürbis 69x66 7456 339,208,339,58,339
Wappen 74x94 3795 1,58,208,707,7
Schmetterling 80x79 3348 209,208,405,900,800
Biene 32x27 611 86,214,513,707
Wurm 55x27 2658 208,513,612,1,607,614
Schmetterling mit Blume 38x43 1697 27,515,810,107,208,10,58
Schmetterling 74x64 2350 810,614
Teddybär 50x50 2871 17,323,214,704,205,534,10,707
Schmetterling 83x59 3404 70
Schmetterlinge 91x78 8658 614,205,30,800,612,620,614,1
Schmetterling 57x19 1327 85,70,1
Schmetterling 77x65 4178 70
Schmetterling 63x33 1950 307,612,19,107
Elf auf Pilz 81x96 9242 519,323,307,214,339,707,214,519,339,307,323,707
Harfe 26x25 896
Luftballons 33x63 1270
Schneidern 85x84 1762
Flugzeug 90x46 6028
Fresh Fruits 96x79 7190
Vogel 90x95 8444
Teddybär mit Herz 75x96 6496
Sandburg 94x61 5008
Sonne 85x95 8468
Bäume und Schneeflocken 93x74 2254
Katzen 65x73 7359
Schneemann 25x40 1473
Hund 25x26 1829
Tempel 35x54 4119
Schmuck 156x257 11372
Hufeisen 32x39 1699
Angler 36x45 2524
Kirschen 46x44 966
Muschel 48x63 7546
Blumenkorb 92x76 2625
Tea Time 93x93 6474
Engel Amor 85x58 5986
Weihnachtsmann 73x87 10227
Schneemann 57x96 6913
Rose und Klavier 97x81 10100
Kürbis 38x30 2143
Segelboot 63x75 3606
Fußball 84x84 4929
Muster 67x66 3949
Rose und Schmetterling 69x92 5743
Küken 75x61 9119
Weihnachts- und Schneemann 83x51 8102
Engel mit Herz 55x38 3533
Herz Meerjungfrau 94x89 12328 800,19,58,19,58,19,58
Herzen 43x32 1346 208,85,800,900
Vögel mit Herz 90x37 3919 800,507,205,208,405
Herz 54x54 1182 800,405,515,209
Mom 95x71 6125 515,30,209,507,800,900,30
Huhn mit Herz 49x48 1096 800,405,208,507
Herzen 96x94 4682 86,534,513,323,85,70,86
Herz 47x56 1165 7
Tic Tac Toe 53x53 2756 800,205,86,307,79
Herzfleck 62x71 2569
Herzschlüssel 74x89 2774 534
Blumenherz 67x77 3246 502,612,208,205,70,86
Blumenherz 65x56 2496 86,502,10,70,85
Herzschleife 44x37 815
Herz 44x36 855
Ribbon 29x51 1641 85,704
USA Flag 43x30 3568
Fensterblick 74x116 18500 7,107,328,1,542,107
Hut und Stiefel 59x55 2491 339,58,534,707,800
Reisetasche und Tuch 31x57 5800 1,58,208,800,205,900
Brieftaube 53x46 1626 405,208,85,614
Muster 88x95 6820 507
Muster 52x52 2553 214,19,27
Flugzeug 25x37 1174 17,205,502,800,405
Flugzeug 40x19 1028 205,513,19,800,7
Blumenlieferant 86x69 5626 800,515,10,307,70,58,620
Blumenkanne 22x25 782 507,843,209,800
Löwe 54x68 4221 5
Löwen 53x31 2481 707
Segelboot 28x35 1276 7,800,1,19
Bär 30x26 1279 707,1,405,704,800
Flamingos 83x63 7850 79,900,1,405
Muster 35x36 901 507
Pfeile 30x30 540 900
Segelboot 60x75 4411 10,1,208,900
Ahornblatt 67x62 1197 30
Blumenstrauß 78x95 9404 27,323,205,208,30,323
Braten mit Obst 95x83 10387 1,208,328,339,507,513,515,79,800,323,900,810,620,323
Früchtekorb 67x43 3602 507,208,800,620,27,339,507
Kirche 79x67 4894 1,19,405,507,707
Pferd mit Kutsche 58x40 3268 339,58,5
Pinguine 57x30 3946
Drachen 90x64 11661
Vogel 83x72 3017
Mädchen mit Katze 89x70 6146
Vögel 48x41 3025
Enten 96x65 8946
Elefant in der Savanne 68x75 6613
Zebra im Fenster 52x57 2644
Delphine 61x43 2499
Tiger 87x78 8620
Zebra im Fenster 59x55 3163
Rentier 59x85 6837
Engel 85x55 4836 307,1,206,804,348,86,58
Herzliane 79x46 1915 86,58
Amor 62x49 1079 19,807
Herzliane 78x31 1632 86,58
Laura Scalloped Edge 96x95 1926 70
Laura Floral Frame 88x88 6726 534,800,70,307,19,30
Three Tulips 58x58 982 534,86
One Tulip 61x20 403 86,534
Chamfer Border 92x62 3146 509,328,339
Bug 35x47 1706 800,900,1,209,800
Flowers 154x252 30885 17,19,107,30,205,126,85,86,807,620,502,509,70
Sachet Heart 119x121 7771 124,333,124,333,79
Happy Thanksgiving 93x53 4505 208,7,323,205,214,27,534,519,807,620,614
Wagon of Pumpkins 47x71 5324 27,307,208,339,214,323,58
Scarecrow 70x90 8060 339,323,58,307,214,27,405,205,810,339,612,405,,1,707,214
Pin Cushion 126x130 15777 205,19,205,58
Valentine Card 75x62 6042 208,214,804,513,79,86,79,807,58
Weihnachtsmannschatten 79x76 7097
Glöckchen 17x20 1327
Weihnachtsbaum 39x50 4665
Weihnachtsbaum 86x100 8290
Guest Towel for St. Patrick's Day 57x28 1811 812,27,515,513
Tulpe 1 98x100 11254 27,502,513,515,1,85,307,10,86,1,85,307,10,86
Tulpe 32x93 3067 27,502,513,515,1,85,307,86,10
Tulpe 30x92 2605 27,513,1,85,307,86,10
Lacy Spa Pillow 92x73 5146 7
Lacy Spa Pillow 76x93 5986 7
Fischer 93x87 8540 1,17,405,339,307,205,534,7,800,17,7,19,534,519,707
Sweet Romance 63x175 10830 86,807,85,86,807
Blume 77x159 4274 515,507,534
Schmetterling 96x41 15824 804,607
Blume 48x48 8138 19
Blume 96x96 5011 330,542
Pandabär 65x75 7134 1,10,843,513,58,704,900
Drachen 93x96 17586
Fasching 83x91 3213
Herzquadrat 91x91 8961
Osterhase 69x88 9275
Liegebär 83x93 12260
Smiley 71x72 7881
Sonne 84x74 4687
Traktor 93x55 9047
Steppe 85x70 5812
Kürbis 90x33 4522
Stern 66x76 6384
Engel 59x90 6082
Zeichen 63x74 3080
Amor 62x49 1080
Tulpen 52x67 3296
Hase 55x81 6917
Fußball 30x30 1840
Erdbeeren 68x48 5021
Auto 68x43 4296
Specht 41x95 4987
Halloween 62x52 5097
Bauernhof 96x62 12620