Bild |
Titel |
Größe in mm |
Stiche |
Farben |
Marienkäfer |
98x62 |
7243 |
Engel |
77x90 |
8510 |
124,1,5,333,337,707,214 |
Football |
29x36 |
1635 |
Elfen |
86x95 |
12602 |
19,406,209,800,205,209,515,406,1,307,800,58,205,209 |
Zuckerstangen |
47x56 |
3362 |
1,800,507,209,800,900 |
Engel |
66x63 |
4622 |
1,328,205,124,70,214,507,86 |
Blume |
62x63 |
2476 |
Herz |
96x89 |
7670 |
507,5,214,800 |
Large Miyakowasure |
92x95 |
8790 |
27,509,27,517,810,612,202 |
Small Miyakowasure |
48x48 |
2832 |
509,27,517,810,612,202 |
Large Sunflower |
95x92 |
9381 |
509,513,509,515,205,208,339,58 |
Small Sunflower |
44x47 |
3428 |
513,509,515,205,208,339,58 |
Large Cattleya |
95x86 |
12024 |
513,515,85,86,79,124,107,86,79,124,107,205 |
Small Cattleya |
47x46 |
3401 |
513,515,85,86,79,124,205,107 |
Blumen |
95x96 |
8012 |
513,808,515,126,205,502,513,126,205,502,513,1 |
Blumen |
45x47 |
2045 |
513,126,205,502,513,515,1 |
Large Narcissus |
94x96 |
9300 |
509,27,513,1,17,206,209 |
Small Narcissus |
44x46 |
2917 |
509,27,513,1,17,206,209 |
Large Lily |
97x96 |
9355 |
513,509,507,509,1,10,27,208 |
Small Lily |
43x48 |
2042 |
513,509,507,1,10,27,208 |
Large Rose |
96x96 |
8056 |
542,534,27,79,807,86 |
Small Rose |
45x41 |
3167 |
542,534,79,807,86 |
Large Tulip |
95x93 |
7919 |
808,513,515,507,808,807,85 |
Small Tulip |
25x45 |
799 |
513,515,808,807,85 |
Large Lily of the Valley |
94x95 |
9813 |
515,513,515,27,1,17,27 |
Small Lily of the Valley |
46x48 |
2534 |
513,515,513,1,17,27 |
Large Chrysanthemum |
98x98 |
16013 |
509,515,502,27,1,30,79 |
Small Chrysanthemum |
45x35 |
2961 |
509,515,502,30,79 |
Large Cosmos |
95x98 |
9651 |
515,519,515,1,810,86,515,206 |
Small Cosmos |
35x44 |
1407 |
810,515,519,1,810,206 |
Large Gentian |
98x98 |
9507 |
513,515,808,515,804,614,607,1,513,515 |
Small Gentian |
45x47 |
2449 |
804,614,607,1,808,513,515 |
Tux |
81x96 |
11647 |
Osterhase |
66x93 |
9229 |
10,339,70,27,86,85,1,620,17,58 |
Traktor |
84x87 |
12047 |
205,10,1,5,704,707,214,513,515,707,900 |
Blumenkorb |
126x126 |
2291 |
612,810 |
Herzkranz |
87x87 |
1949 |
534,807 |
Haus |
92x88 |
11831 |
19,79,27,339,534,27,800,323,10 |
Feuerwerk |
64x67 |
1241 |
405,807,205 |
Villa |
120x134 |
29555 |
17,1,534,513,323,86,515,27,79 |
Schneemänner |
80x176 |
19871 |
1,30,405,707,209,58,800,507,205,900,1,405,800,507,707,209,707,900,1,214,323,707,58,800,507,209,900 |
Muster |
99x164 |
12034 |
515,405,19,704,7 |
Schubkarren mit Blumen |
100x136 |
8789 |
323,502,515,79,85,208 |
Kleeblätter |
68x60 |
4013 |
507,513,515 |
Teddybär |
38x40 |
2881 |
7,405,307,323,58,800,707 |
Truthahn |
74x78 |
14750 |
205,900,707,1,707,5,70,30,900 |
Katze |
86x81 |
7665 |
10,307,704,707,900,5 |
Kürbis |
69x66 |
7456 |
339,208,339,58,339 |
Wappen |
74x94 |
3795 |
1,58,208,707,7 |
Schmetterling |
80x79 |
3348 |
209,208,405,900,800 |
Biene |
32x27 |
611 |
86,214,513,707 |
Wurm |
55x27 |
2658 |
208,513,612,1,607,614 |
Schmetterling mit Blume |
38x43 |
1697 |
27,515,810,107,208,10,58 |
Schmetterling |
74x64 |
2350 |
810,614 |
Teddybär |
50x50 |
2871 |
17,323,214,704,205,534,10,707 |
Schmetterling |
83x59 |
3404 |
70 |
Schmetterlinge |
91x78 |
8658 |
614,205,30,800,612,620,614,1 |
Schmetterling |
57x19 |
1327 |
85,70,1 |
Schmetterling |
77x65 |
4178 |
70 |
Schmetterling |
63x33 |
1950 |
307,612,19,107 |
Elf auf Pilz |
81x96 |
9242 |
519,323,307,214,339,707,214,519,339,307,323,707 |
Harfe |
26x25 |
896 |
Luftballons |
33x63 |
1270 |
Schneidern |
85x84 |
1762 |
Flugzeug |
90x46 |
6028 |
Fresh Fruits |
96x79 |
7190 |
Vogel |
90x95 |
8444 |
Teddybär mit Herz |
75x96 |
6496 |
Sandburg |
94x61 |
5008 |
Sonne |
85x95 |
8468 |
Bäume und Schneeflocken |
93x74 |
2254 |
Katzen |
65x73 |
7359 |
Schneemann |
25x40 |
1473 |
Hund |
25x26 |
1829 |
Tempel |
35x54 |
4119 |
Schmuck |
156x257 |
11372 |
Hufeisen |
32x39 |
1699 |
Angler |
36x45 |
2524 |
Kirschen |
46x44 |
966 |
Muschel |
48x63 |
7546 |
Blumenkorb |
92x76 |
2625 |
Tea Time |
93x93 |
6474 |
Engel Amor |
85x58 |
5986 |
Weihnachtsmann |
73x87 |
10227 |
Schneemann |
57x96 |
6913 |
Rose und Klavier |
97x81 |
10100 |
Kürbis |
38x30 |
2143 |
Segelboot |
63x75 |
3606 |
Fußball |
84x84 |
4929 |
Muster |
67x66 |
3949 |
Rose und Schmetterling |
69x92 |
5743 |
Küken |
75x61 |
9119 |
Weihnachts- und Schneemann |
83x51 |
8102 |
Engel mit Herz |
55x38 |
3533 |
Herz Meerjungfrau |
94x89 |
12328 |
800,19,58,19,58,19,58 |
Herzen |
43x32 |
1346 |
208,85,800,900 |
Vögel mit Herz |
90x37 |
3919 |
800,507,205,208,405 |
Herz |
54x54 |
1182 |
800,405,515,209 |
Mom |
95x71 |
6125 |
515,30,209,507,800,900,30 |
Huhn mit Herz |
49x48 |
1096 |
800,405,208,507 |
Herzen |
96x94 |
4682 |
86,534,513,323,85,70,86 |
Herz |
47x56 |
1165 |
7 |
Tic Tac Toe |
53x53 |
2756 |
800,205,86,307,79 |
Herzfleck |
62x71 |
2569 |
Herzschlüssel |
74x89 |
2774 |
534 |
Blumenherz |
67x77 |
3246 |
502,612,208,205,70,86 |
Blumenherz |
65x56 |
2496 |
86,502,10,70,85 |
Herzschleife |
44x37 |
815 |
Herz |
44x36 |
855 |
Ribbon |
29x51 |
1641 |
85,704 |
USA Flag |
43x30 |
3568 |
Fensterblick |
74x116 |
18500 |
7,107,328,1,542,107 |
Hut und Stiefel |
59x55 |
2491 |
339,58,534,707,800 |
Reisetasche und Tuch |
31x57 |
5800 |
1,58,208,800,205,900 |
Brieftaube |
53x46 |
1626 |
405,208,85,614 |
Muster |
88x95 |
6820 |
507 |
Muster |
52x52 |
2553 |
214,19,27 |
Flugzeug |
25x37 |
1174 |
17,205,502,800,405 |
Flugzeug |
40x19 |
1028 |
205,513,19,800,7 |
Blumenlieferant |
86x69 |
5626 |
800,515,10,307,70,58,620 |
Blumenkanne |
22x25 |
782 |
507,843,209,800 |
Löwe |
54x68 |
4221 |
5 |
Löwen |
53x31 |
2481 |
707 |
Segelboot |
28x35 |
1276 |
7,800,1,19 |
Bär |
30x26 |
1279 |
707,1,405,704,800 |
Flamingos |
83x63 |
7850 |
79,900,1,405 |
Muster |
35x36 |
901 |
507 |
Pfeile |
30x30 |
540 |
900 |
Segelboot |
60x75 |
4411 |
10,1,208,900 |
Ahornblatt |
67x62 |
1197 |
30 |
Blumenstrauß |
78x95 |
9404 |
27,323,205,208,30,323 |
Braten mit Obst |
95x83 |
10387 |
1,208,328,339,507,513,515,79,800,323,900,810,620,323 |
Früchtekorb |
67x43 |
3602 |
507,208,800,620,27,339,507 |
Kirche |
79x67 |
4894 |
1,19,405,507,707 |
Pferd mit Kutsche |
58x40 |
3268 |
339,58,5 |
Pinguine |
57x30 |
3946 |
Drachen |
90x64 |
11661 |
Vogel |
83x72 |
3017 |
Mädchen mit Katze |
89x70 |
6146 |
Vögel |
48x41 |
3025 |
Enten |
96x65 |
8946 |
Elefant in der Savanne |
68x75 |
6613 |
Zebra im Fenster |
52x57 |
2644 |
Delphine |
61x43 |
2499 |
Tiger |
87x78 |
8620 |
Zebra im Fenster |
59x55 |
3163 |
Rentier |
59x85 |
6837 |
Engel |
85x55 |
4836 |
307,1,206,804,348,86,58 |
Herzliane |
79x46 |
1915 |
86,58 |
Amor |
62x49 |
1079 |
19,807 |
Herzliane |
78x31 |
1632 |
86,58 |
Laura Scalloped Edge |
96x95 |
1926 |
70 |
Laura Floral Frame |
88x88 |
6726 |
534,800,70,307,19,30 |
Three Tulips |
58x58 |
982 |
534,86 |
One Tulip |
61x20 |
403 |
86,534 |
Chamfer Border |
92x62 |
3146 |
509,328,339 |
Bug |
35x47 |
1706 |
800,900,1,209,800 |
Flowers |
154x252 |
30885 |
17,19,107,30,205,126,85,86,807,620,502,509,70 |
Sachet Heart |
119x121 |
7771 |
124,333,124,333,79 |
Happy Thanksgiving |
93x53 |
4505 |
208,7,323,205,214,27,534,519,807,620,614 |
Wagon of Pumpkins |
47x71 |
5324 |
27,307,208,339,214,323,58 |
Scarecrow |
70x90 |
8060 |
339,323,58,307,214,27,405,205,810,339,612,405,,1,707,214 |
Pin Cushion |
126x130 |
15777 |
205,19,205,58 |
Valentine Card |
75x62 |
6042 |
208,214,804,513,79,86,79,807,58 |
Weihnachtsmannschatten |
79x76 |
7097 |
Glöckchen |
17x20 |
1327 |
Weihnachtsbaum |
39x50 |
4665 |
Weihnachtsbaum |
86x100 |
8290 |
Guest Towel for St. Patrick's Day |
57x28 |
1811 |
812,27,515,513 |
Tulpe 1 |
98x100 |
11254 |
27,502,513,515,1,85,307,10,86,1,85,307,10,86 |
Tulpe |
32x93 |
3067 |
27,502,513,515,1,85,307,86,10 |
Tulpe |
30x92 |
2605 |
27,513,1,85,307,86,10 |
Lacy Spa Pillow |
92x73 |
5146 |
7 |
Lacy Spa Pillow |
76x93 |
5986 |
7 |
Fischer |
93x87 |
8540 |
1,17,405,339,307,205,534,7,800,17,7,19,534,519,707 |
Sweet Romance |
63x175 |
10830 |
86,807,85,86,807 |
Blume |
77x159 |
4274 |
515,507,534 |
Schmetterling |
96x41 |
15824 |
804,607 |
Blume |
48x48 |
8138 |
19 |
Blume |
96x96 |
5011 |
330,542 |
Pandabär |
65x75 |
7134 |
1,10,843,513,58,704,900 |
Drachen |
93x96 |
17586 |
Fasching |
83x91 |
3213 |
Herzquadrat |
91x91 |
8961 |
Osterhase |
69x88 |
9275 |
Liegebär |
83x93 |
12260 |
Smiley |
71x72 |
7881 |
Sonne |
84x74 |
4687 |
Traktor |
93x55 |
9047 |
Steppe |
85x70 |
5812 |
Kürbis |
90x33 |
4522 |
Stern |
66x76 |
6384 |
Engel |
59x90 |
6082 |
Zeichen |
63x74 |
3080 |
Amor |
62x49 |
1080 |
Tulpen |
52x67 |
3296 |
Hase |
55x81 |
6917 |
Fußball |
30x30 |
1840 |
Erdbeeren |
68x48 |
5021 |
Auto |
68x43 |
4296 |
Specht |
41x95 |
4987 |
Halloween |
62x52 |
5097 |
Bauernhof |
96x62 |
12620 |